Canneto di Caronia, in northern Sicily, drew attention three years ago after residents reported everyday household objects bursting into flames.
TV news footage at the time showed electrical appliances as well as cookers, a pile of wedding presents and furniture smouldering.
Dozens of experts including scientists, electrical engineers and military boffins, arrived in the village 60 miles east of Palermo to investigate the phenomenon.
Arson was quickly ruled out and at one stage an amazed scientist was interviewed after he described how he saw an unplugged electrical cable burst into flames.
Locals were quick to blame supernatural forces and at the time the Vatican’s chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth backed up their fears and said: "I’ve seen things like this before. Demons occupy a house and appear in electrical goods. Let’s not forget that Satan and his followers have immense powers."
Now in an interim leaked report published by several Italian newspapers it has emerged that the Civil Protection Department has concluded the most likely cause was "aliens".
The report was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a NASA scientist. Their two year investigation has cost an estimated £1 million.
According to the report the fires were "caused by a high power electro magnetic emissions which were not man made and reached a power of between 12 and 15 gigawatts."
The report also detailed a possible UFO landing close to the village, citing "burnt imprints which have not been explained were found in a field."
Francesco Mantegna Venerando, Sicily’s Civil Protection chief who coordinated the report, said: "This is not the final report. We are still working on our conclusions and this has been leaked.
"We are not saying that little green men from Mars started the fires but that unnatural forces capable of creating a large amount of electromagnetic energy were responsible.
"This is just one possibility we are also looking at another one which involves the testing of top secret weapons by an unknown power which are also capable of producing an enormous amount of energy."
In buona sostanza, il caso di Caronia si sta allargando a macchia d'olio, in tutto il mondo. Ormai,anche le agenzie di stampa internazionali attribuiscono gli eventi accaduti in Sicilia ad interferenze aliene. Siamo di fronte al primo,vero atto di informazione volto alla disclosure di eventi legati al mondo dell'Ufologia. Un traguardo importantissimo che, spero, segni il punto di svolta per una realtà, quella degli UFO, ormai innegabile. Se volete leggere qualcosa di altrettanto importante, vi invito caldamente a fare click qui.
Rimanendo in tema di link, qui trovate il mio articolo su "The Witcher", un gioco di ruolo piuttosto interessante per PC, mentre qui, trovate invece la mia recensione di Conan, per Xbox 360.
Alla prossima
ps:lei è la meravigliosa Evangeline Lilly,una delle protagoniste di "Lost".
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